It does not seem to matter whether I stop the server with /stop or with just X-ing out of the server window. It does not seem to matter whether I'm in creative mode or survival mode.

Lastly, I even created a local vanilla world in 1.11.2. To be clear, by "resets" I don't simply mean the reputation value goes to zero for the given UUID: I mean the village's list of players just blank completely, as though no player had earned or lost reputation in that village. To be extra extra sure, I launched local vanilla-only servers and connected to them, using NBTExplorer to track reputation. I also used ZeroXCorbin's Village Info mod, and reputation resets to 0 when the server is closed and restarted.

To be more sure, I ran a server on my machine and local-connected to it. It's not a matter of username vs UUID, because 1.8.9 saves reputation under UUID, yet it remains between server runs. I've been using NBTExplorer to look at the villages.dat file, and indeed for those three versions, the player reputation entry blanks when the server is reset (more specifically, when it's reset and the player logs back in).
#Nbtexplorer 1.10 mod#
This was immediately apparent in Eclipse, as a reputation query I put into my mod returned 0 for my player's name. Things are going well for 1.7.10 and 1.8.9, but I noticed that for versions 1.9.4, 1.10.2, and 1.11.2, your player's reputation in the village resets whenever the server is closed. I'm updating my mod that deals with villages and villagers, and adding a feature that requires the player's reputation in that village.